Delivery Terms

All offers are tentative until the reception of our order confirmation.
For products from other manufacturers the prices and the delivery dates at the day of delivery are decisive.

All documents belonging to the proposal, such as illustrations, drawings and the like are approximately only, unless these are expressly described as binding. We reserve the right to change designs and make technical modifications.

Objections of any kind in respect of the invoice must be made within one week of receipt of the delivery.
Partial deliveries are permissible. In the case of incomplete or late delivery or non-delivery the buyer does not acquire the right of withdrawal from the purchase or compensation.
The goods remain our property until the fulfillment of all claims towards the customers have been paid.

The warranty on our products is limited to defects that are traceable to material, construction or manufacturing error which occur within 6 months from the day of delivery. In case of an error we provide a replacement free of charge. All replaced products shall become our property.

Any claim for compensation which exceeds the amount of the invoice is excluded. The warranty is restricted solely to the repair or replacement of the defective product. Exceeding expenses are not reimbursed by us. Warranty shall not cover defects or damage caused by operative and ordinary wear and tear and incorrect operation. For any goods which we procured from third parties the warranties and obligations for which the supplier can be held liable are applied.

The remediation of defects on large installations and devices at the set-up location requires a special mutual agreement. The warranty shall expire if the delivery item has suffered due to modifications or repairs have been made to it without our written consent. Further liability, in particular for damages which did not occur to the delivered goods themselves is excluded. The warranty especially excludes all claims of compensation and claims of reduction by the ordering party.

For items that we purchase from elsewhere, those warranties and obligations apply for which we can hold the suppliers concerned liable.
The elimination of defects in major equipment and apparatus at the place of installation is subject to special agreement.

Our warranty obligation shall lapse if modifications or repairs are made to the delivered items by other parties without our consent.

Any further liability on our part, in particular for damage that has not occurred to the delivered goods themselves, including indirect damage, is excluded; in particular, our warranty obligation excludes all claims for damages and reductions on the part of the purchaser.

Drawings and documents shall only be made available to the Purchaser on condition that they are not made available to third parties, in particular not to companies competing with us.

The possible invalidity of a provision of these Terms and Conditions of Delivery shall not affect the validity of all other provisions.
The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this agreement is Cottbus.